@KTzone » 消閒 - 會員交友 » Hey, I'm new here, just wanna make some friends, open to any age, girls or guys

2008-11-12 12:24 lookyipper
Hi, my name is Jason and 23 yr old.
Sorry that I don't know how to type in Chinese, so please bear with me :regular_smiley

Well I've been studying in CA for several years and I'm planning to come back to HK for new year, so I want to make some new friends by then.

Doesn't matter who you are, or what you do, I am open to anything :]

So yea, am looking forward to talk with you.


2008-11-12 18:48 草紙
welcome to ktzone =)*
I am Da , nice to meet you :teeth_smiley:

2008-11-13 02:45 lookyipper
Hey Da, nice you meet you too, how are you?

So I haven't been back to HK for awhile, is there anything fun to do for Christmas in HK?

2008-11-13 19:04 草紙
[quote]Originally posted by [i]lookyipper[/i] at 2008-11-13 02:45 AM:
Hey Da, nice you meet you too, how are you?

So I haven't been back to HK for awhile, is there anything fun to do for Christmas in HK? [/quote]
[color=#FF3490]May be I will hold a meeting for ktz member on Christmas[/color]

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