@KTzone » 消閒 - 奇聞趣事 » Help! Althought it is not a 有趣電郵笑話 but please look!!!

2008-7-5 19:04 hklle
> 係香港BB, 不合也請forward俾人, 超級感激!
> 請幫幫send個 信 息俾人!
> 有一個七個月大BB,因為依家患上cancer,而佢
> 血型係罕有的( o-),
> 如果係( o-) 血型的朋友,願意 幫忙的話,
> 請聯絡佢爸爸 伍忠業先生(852)97358296
> 好心有好報!
> 請forward俾人呀!THANKYOU!
> A7-month baby who is diagnosed with cancer.
> His/her blood type is O-, ifyou're or your
> friends
> are of this blood type. would u pls kindly contact
> his/her father Mr. Ng at (852)97358296
> Thanks

版主 pls don't delelet this paragraph !!! thx !!

2008-7-31 14:27 傻傻傻~~小俊

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