@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » 全球300萬人上恐怖主義黑名單?有人指出荒謬之處

2019-10-23 21:49 宅~有何不可

  據《今日俄羅斯》報道,湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)編寫並維護著一個龐大的全球恐怖分子數據庫World-Check。該數據庫目前記錄有超過300萬人的信息,且每月還新增2.5萬人的信息。
  ... the database is from mid-2014 and contains millions of “heightened-risk individuals and organizations,” which it places in one or more of a number of categories, including terrorism, money laundering, organized crime, bribery, corruption, and “other unsavory activities。”
  Described on its website as a tool to “screen for heightened risk individuals and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks,” the company says it covers more than 240 countries and territories, and monitors more than 530 “sanction, watch, regulatory and law enforcement lists。”
  ▲Global ‘terror’ database leak reveals 2.2mn people tracked by spy agencies (via RT)
  The World-Check database adds 25,000 names every month to its massive risk list。
  Over three million people are currently on the list。
  ▲Global ‘terrorist’ list dominated by Muslims provides banks with names of 3 MILLION people to be denied service – report (via RT)
[img]//n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/36/w550h286/20191023/b965-ihmipqv8192904.jpg" alt=" 圖 via 網絡[/img] 圖 via 網絡
  Forming part of the company’s “risk management solutions,” Thomson Reuters says it’s used by more than 300 government and intelligence agencies around the world, as well as 49 of the world’s top 50 banks and nine of the top 10 global law firms。
  To access the database, customers must pay an annual subscription charge, which can reach up to $1 million, according to Vice, with potential subscribers then vetted before approval。
  ▲Global ‘terror’ database leak reveals 2.2mn people tracked by spy agencies (via RT)
[img]//n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/58/w550h308/20191023/ba8d-ihmipqv8192952.jpg" alt="圖 via Reuters[/img]圖 via Reuters
  不過,恰恰就是這麼一個嚴肅的數據庫,最近卻被卡塔爾半島電視臺(Al Jazeera)調查爆料,這份恐怖分子黑名單中包含瞭數十萬穆斯林的名字,且有些名字被列入該名單顯得非常荒謬。還有些人壓根沒犯罪。
  An investigation by Al Jazeera found hundreds of thousands of Muslim names, some seemingly absurd。 In one example, retired Egyptian football player Mohamed Aboutrika was designated a “terrorist” after the Egyptian government added him to its domestic terrorism list for supporting the country’s first democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi, after he was overthrown。
  Over three million people are currently on the list – many not convicted of any crime, some not even aware they are suspected of one。
  ▲Global ‘terrorist’ list dominated by Muslims provides banks with names of 3 MILLION people to be denied service – report (via RT)
  Vice found that an American civil rights leader, a former World Bank and Bank of England advisor who was given an OBE, and a prominent British anti-extremism campaigner - all three of whom were Muslim - were all given a ‘terrorism’ designation in the database。
  ▲Global ‘terror’ database leak reveals 2.2mn people tracked by spy agencies (via RT)
[img]//n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/58/w550h308/20191023/c1ed-ihmipqv8193004.jpg" alt=" 圖 via Reuters[/img] 圖 via Reuters
  Getting on the list is easy – employees scour publicly available sources, from court records to search engine results, and apparently make little effort to verify what they find。
  Beyond the overpopulated terrorist databases, the Qatari outlet found that World-Check scours the scandal-sheets and tabloid newspapers of Israel and other countries for names, though its own website claims “research is sourced from reputable public domain sources。”
  Indeed, World-Check boasts that its database includes not only convictions but “person accused, investigated, arrested, charged, indicted, detained, questioned, or on trial” for a laundry list of crimes including everything from bribery and corruption to slave labor, “cheating,” or “environmental crimes。”
  ▲Global ‘terrorist’ list dominated by Muslims provides banks with names of 3 MILLION people to be denied service – report (via RT)
  這還不是該數據庫的問題首次被曝光。2016年,一個名叫克裡斯·維格裡(Chris Vickery)的Reddit用戶,就曾得到瞭當時包含有220萬條“高危個體”信息記錄的World-Check數據庫。未透露姓名的第三方竊取瞭數據庫並交予Vickery公佈。

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