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2010-12-4 17:04 k78952
倪安東-Sorry That I Loved You([email protected]@Bitshare)

【歌曲名稱】:Sorry That I Loved You
【檔案載點】:[/b][/color][quote][url=http://bitshare.com/?f=v6rt3myd]點我下載(Bitshare空間,8.73MB)[/url]    [url=http://18sexmovie.miroko.tw/bsteach.htm]若不會下載,點我看下載教學[/url][/quote]
[color=green][b]【歌  詞】:[/b][/color]
[color=DarkOrange]作詞:倪安東   作曲:Skot Suyimi
For all of the times that I tried for your smile
For making you think that I was worth the while
So your love love love love love would be mine
For sending you flowers and holding your hand
That no one was there to take a stand
But then love love love made us blind
And I’m so sorry that I hurt you
Sorry that I fell through
Sorry I was falling in love with you
Im sorry that it came true but sorry doesn’t turn back time
For all that I have done to you
I wish that I could make it right
So sorry that I loved you
Sorry that I needed you
Sorry that I held you tight
And Im so sorry for…
Making you love me and saying goodbye
For being the one that taught you how to cry
It was love love love and it passed us by
For giving you every thing that you dreamed
For taking it back when I fled the scene
Sorry love, for wasting your time
And I’m so sorry that I hurt you
Sorry that I fell through
Sorry I was falling in love with you
Im sorry that it came true but sorry doesn’t turn back time
For all that I have done to you
I wish that I could make it right
So sorry that I loved you
Sorry that I needed you
Sorry that I held you tight
An apology now after all of this time
Won’t make any difference tonight
But im hopin “im sorry” will open your mind
To love love love love in your life
Sorry that I hurt you
Sorry that I fell through
Sorry I was falling in love with you
Im sorry that it came true but sorry doesn’t turn back time
For all that I have done to you
I wish that I could make it right (tonight)
So sorry that I hurt you
Sorry that I fell through
Sorry I was falling in love with you (I was falling in love)
Im sorry that it came true but sorry doesn’t turn back time
I'm sorry that I loved you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
I'm so sorry that I loved you
I'm so sorry that I hurt you
I'm sorry that I loved you....
[color=Blue]歷經長達整整一年的收歌和配唱期,倪安東終於推出個人首張專輯?第一課?!這張專輯是樂壇戰將級製作人王治平領軍眾多音樂人,混合了東西音樂精華粹煉出的精緻手工打磨音樂藝品。專輯首波主打歌?Sorry That I Loved You?是一首全新的英文原創曲。作曲者是同樣也是混血兒的美式樂風超強寫手Skot Suyama,歌詞則由倪安東與Skot聯手撰寫。這首歌是華研唱片的老闆在後期的收歌會議直接邀請Skot幫倪安東量身打造的抒情搖滾情歌。在收到 Skot的作品後,這首結合了美式慣用和弦卻融合了東方旋律感的新穎抒情歌,一致獲得了大家的喜愛,高票當選了?第一課?的首波主打歌。這首歌的作曲者 Skot在創作這首歌時,就詞曲並進用英文寫了名為『Sorry That I Loved You』的歌詞,而這歌名也讓專輯歌詞統籌葛大為很有感覺,設定了『為愛懺悔』這個方向,而倪安東也敞開心房,提供了一段自己在愛情中最懊悔的故事給填詞人作為題材。然而歌詞生產過程卻讓各大高手紛紛卡關面臨瓶頸,眾多老將新手寫來的數十個版本都無法讓唱片公司滿意,後來歷經了無數次的討論,也同時希望可以為華語樂壇帶來最讓人耳目一新的開場聽覺經驗,大家決定這首歌就唱英文詞,以求能保留Skot原來demo裡的原英文歌詞的那種詞曲合一完美的旋律感。因此唱片公司就請倪安東自己把自己的懺悔心聲寫出來,最後在大家的期待下,倪安東只用了兩天的時間就改寫好這首真人真情親身告白的?Sorry That I Loved You?。

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