2010-7-4 22:48
*Specifications & prices are subject to change without prior notice
** EOL Products: AL series, V193WBD, V173BMD, V173BBMD, V173CBMD, V193HQB, V193HQAB, V193HQDB, V193WBMD, V203HBMD, V223HQBMD, V233HBMID, V223WBMD, B223WBMDR, T230HBMIDH
Warranty : 3 years on-site (Panel, parts & labor included)
"Acer HK service centre hotline: (852) 2520 2000
- Effective from 22 Dec 2008, Acer service center was moved to the following address:
1801 Prosperity Place, 6 Shipg Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Acer Macau service center
- Effectove from 1 Apr 2009, Acer Macau service center will be moved to the following address:
7-B ,Travessa da uniao, Macau
澳門羅神父街友聯巷7號b聯德大廈地下 "